Bouldering Tactics 101: The Power Spot (Video)

Any time we encounter a difficult move, we spend a huge amount of time learning the starting position and the initial trajectory, but how often do we take the time to learn the end position and the correct finishing trajectory?

Not to mention, throwing yourself at a move that feels impossible can be counter productive if you have to try so hard that you aren't able to notice the subtleties. It’s just not the best way for us to learn.

Getting assistance in the form of a power spot can not only let you feel HOW to do the move, but teach your body the correct path through space, help you realize which muscles to fire and when, and help build confidence for that move and subsequent moves. Plus, it saves valuable energy that could potentially be used later in the session to send.

It might be embarrassing to ask someone to push you through a move, but it won't be embarrassing when you're the one who tops out.

Kris Hampton

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering.  Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11. 

Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks.  He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.

The Bouldering Process: Flight of the Antelope, V10 (Video)


What When How to Train | Wild Iris Sport Climbing with Leif Gasch