Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Broken Wing: 122 Days Post Surgery: Feeling More Whole.
The "little" exercises that I was capable of just got much bigger.
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Broken Wing: 58 Days Post Surgery (It's the Little Things)
It's interesting how fast perspective can shift when one's situation is altered.
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Broken Wing: 28 Days Post Surgery (A Tale of Atrophy)
When you aren't using muscles, your body has zero interest in maintaining them.
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Broken Wing Update: 10 Days Post Surgery
So surgery went well, they tell me.
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Injury and Prevention
Kris Hampton
Broken Wing: Post 1
I’m headed to the hospital for rotator cuff surgery, specifically to repair a full thickness labrum tear as well as a full thickness supraspinatus tear.