Board Meetings | Our Favorite Finger Strength Protocols
Kris and Nate discuss their favorite protocols, both that they use themselves and in programming for their clients.
How to Climb Harder: What Data From Over 600 Climbers Tells Us
Climber performance metrics only tell a small part of a much more complex human story.
A Lot of Words About Fingers
Nate provides more depth to the reasoning behind many common finger training methods.
Power Strips | Level Up Your Campus Training
From coach Nate Drolet and Tension Climbing, the obvious next progression in campus training is here.
Climb Better: How to Bulletproof Your Technique
It's no secret that skills deteriorate with fatigue, particularly a complicated, high skill sport like climbing.
Poor Sods: How to Train Endurance in a Crowded Climbing Gym
Sod’s Law states: “Anything that can go wrong, will always go wrong, with the worst possible outcome.” Turns out, Sod generally spends his time at the climbing gym.
Campusing, Part IV: Programming
So we’ve talked about campusing, but how do we actually implement it?
Campusing, Part III: Plyometrics
Not many people who are campusing understand exactly what plyometrics are.
Campusing, Part II: When and Why to Use the Smaller Rungs
Let's talk about when and why you might want to make the switch to using the smaller rungs.
Campusing, Part I: For Power - Big Rungs, Big Moves
The campus board's bad reputation arises from misuse.
Campusing = Healthy Elbows?
Campusing is precisely how my first round of bad elbow problems began.