REWIND | Breaking Beta: Can We Accurately Assess the Movement Skills of Sport Climbers?
Kris and Paul dig into a paper that presents and then tests a method for measuring movement skills in sport climbing.
Expert | Taylor Reed on Climbing Research and Evidence-Informed Movement Coaching
Taylor Reed talks movement coaching and the role research plays in his evidence-informed coaching methods.
Expert | Rob Gray on How We Learn to Move and Skill Acquisition for Climbers (Part 2)
Rob Gray discusses two theories of skill acquisition and how climbing coaches can use them to help climbers better learn to move.
Expert | Rob Gray on The Gap Between Researchers and Coaches (Part 1)
Skill Acquisition Specialist Rob Gray discusses the limitations of using sports science research for coaches and practitioners.
How to Climb Harder: What Data From Over 600 Climbers Tells Us
Climber performance metrics only tell a small part of a much more complex human story.
Dale Wilson | Climbing Performance Metrics
How to use data to inform training decisions had been a topic of debate amongst the Power Company coaches for years, until Data Analyst, Dale Wilson, stepped in to settle the score once and for all.
Breaking Beta | Are Chalking Up and Shaking Out Actually Helping or Persistent Myths?
Are chalking up and shaking out helpful? Or just habits? And is just reading a research paper’s abstract enough to go on?
Breaking Beta | What are the Anthropometric and Performance Characteristics of Modern Female Climbers?
Examining a study that collected measurements from 55 women, what does the data say about today’s female climbers?
Breaking Beta | Can We Measure How Different Energy Systems Contribute to Climbing?
Can the measurement of contributing energy systems act as climbing performance indicators?
Breaking Beta | Is Isometric Finger Testing Reliable? Which Edges are Best?
Just how valid is isometric finger testing? And can it predict your climbing ability?
Better Call Paul | International Rock Climbing Research Association Test Battery
Kris and Paul discuss a paper from the International Rock Climbing Research Association that introduces and assesses a battery of ten tests designed specifically to measure climbing performance.
Better Call Paul | The Male / Female Performance Gap in Climbing
How does the male/female performance gap in climbing compare to those in sprinting and distance running?
Better Call Paul | How Should Climbing Research Be Standardized?
The International Rock Climbing Research Association seeks to bring uniformity to how rock climbing research is collected and presented.
Better Call Paul | How Do We Choose and Read Research Papers?
Kris and Paul discuss the process they use to choose and read research papers, both for Breaking Beta and for their own interests as climbers and coaches.
Better Call Paul | Are Your Statistics Even Significant, Bro?
Paul and Kris discuss statistics and their significance with data analyst and fellow Power Company coach, Dale Wilson.
Breaking Beta | Is This the Best Hangboard Protocol?
Does this study reveal the best hangboard protocol for climbers?
Metrics for Climbers | Strength and Endurance Standards
Useful data for coaches and climbers.
The Two Things You Need for Climbing Harder
We gathered the data. Here’s what it says about how finger and pulling strength combine for climbing performance.
Simple Training During Covid-19 | Home Self Assessment for Climbers
The best place to start when training is knowing what you need to train.
Ep. 147: Making Sense of Science for Climbers with Dr. Tyler Nelson
Using science to inform climbing training is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. Leading that charge is Dr. Tyler Nelson of Camp 4 Human Performance.